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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  September 15, 2012 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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good morning. i'm rebecca jarvis. >> i'm anthony mason. here a few stories we'll be looking at on cbs saturday. violent protests spread to two dozen countries. insurgents killed two marines. this as the bodies of four americans including the first u.s. ambassador killed in the line of duty in 33 years finally come home. >> the people of egypt, libya, yemen and tunisia did not trade the tyranny of a dictate orfor the tyranny of a mob. >> with just 52 days until the election president obama is
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leading mitt romney in the polls. and the number of americans who believe the country is going in the righting direction is at a three year high. >> another royal scandal reminiscent of paparazzi chasing princess diana. topless pictures of kate middleton are released. this time the royals are fighting back. >> a new menu at mcdonald's. it will tell you how many calories are in your burgers and fries. all that and so much more on cbs "this morning," saturday, september 15, 2012. captioning funded by cbs good morning welcome to the weekend. . >> happy saturday. >> a lot of news this morning. we begin this morning with a story that has angered muse limgs arou -- muslims around the world.
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as demonstrations against the film continue to spread to nearly two dozen countries. carter evans of our los angeles station is in cerritos, south of l.a. >> reporter: good morning. after being holed up at his home for nearly three days the man that the world has been waiting to see and hear from made a brief appearance early this morning. he's known to some as sam bacile and to others nakoula basseley nakoula and he left his home through a side yard gate surrounded by sheriff's deputies. >> do you have anything to say? >> reporter: the man you see under the hat and towel wearing a winter jacket in the l.a. summer heat may be responsible for sparking the flames of the deadly violence in the muslim world. he's trying to hide his face and believed to be the man responsible for creating a film
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called "innocence of muslims." depicting muhammad in any form is considered an insult to islam. l.a. county sheriff spokesman said nakoula basseley nakoula is not under arrest. >> l.a. county sheriff's department tonight about midnight assisted federal probation officers in a voluntary interview. nobody is arrested. nobody is detained. nobody is in custody. >> he was escorted to the l.a. sheriff's department for a possible questioning on violation of his parole. he was convicted of bank fraud. he was not allowed to use or own device with internet devices. nakoula basseley nakoula of only allowed to use a computer for work. additional restricts prevented him from having anyone else get on the internet for him.
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so connecting the dots, if nakoula basseley nakoula is, indeed behind the film that sparked the deadly riots how did that film get on the internet? now it's unclear what nakoula basseley nakoula does for a living but it is certain investigators will be asking that question. in the meantime authorities say nakoula basseley nakoula has left the area and he will not be returning home. to the best of our knowledge his family is still in this home behind me. >> thanks, carter. two u.s. marines are dead in afghanistan. insurgents attacked their base overnight in southern
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province. it was a complex attack involving suicide vests, rocket attacks, small arms fired. the perimeter of the space was breached. uk forces and u.s. of the attac with smoke coming out of the base. of course quite some
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distance from where this occurred. he was safe in this particular incident but questions have been asked about whether his presence is drawing insurgents attacks and there was considerable damage to the base. nato said they are still assessing how much damage was done and how this attack could possibly have happened at a base that was secure. >> absolutely. thank you. the bodies of the four am in the united states. u.s. marines saluted the coffins at andrews air base. those killed were ambassador chris ste vaccines, first ambassador killed in the line of duty in 33 years. navy s.e.a.l.s tyrone woods and glenn dougherty and sean smith. third coffins arrived on friday. at the memorial service both
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secretary of state hillary clinton and president obama spoke about putting an end to the violence. >> it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable. the people of egypt, libya, yemen and tunisia did not trade the tyranny of a dictator for a tyranny of a mob. >> we will bring to justice those who took them from us. we will stand fast against the violence on our diplomatic missions. we will continue to do everything in our power to protect americans serving overseas -- >> u.s. embassies around the world issued alerts advising americans to review their security measures. for more we turn to margaret
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brennan. what are american embassies doing at this point? >> they are pretty much on lock down. you have a real focus on securing the perimeters of a lot of these compounds in yemen, libya, sudan. there had been people who were able to make it over the walls of these embassies. you do have marines that have been sent in to secure the perimeters. the security of the embassy, the physical space itself is provide by the host country. so there have been phone calls placed bisek clinton, president and vice president bid into urge these leaders to take this seriously. >> it sound like, margaret they are working the back channels. give us a sense for what secretary clinton is doing behind the scene? >> she has been in the white house, in the situation room about six times in the past three days. in constant contact via video conference, general dempsey with secretary panetta. in the case of tunisia where protesters made it inside the
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compound where security measures were put into place to secure the embassy staff, because of these concerns she picked up the phone and she called the prime minister in tunisia and said what's going on because we are relying on your security, we need some back up and because of that personal plea there was a presidential guard sent in to help secure that area. >> both the president and secretary of state made emotional pleas yesterday. behind those remarks what message are they trying to send to these countries? >> it was very emotional for the secretary because she did send in the ambassador to libya, knowing that this was going to be a dangerous mission. so, you heard a little shake in the voice on that when she was delivering her speech. really the messaging that is consistent that the united states government has nothing to do with the production of this video. you'll hear that in every single speech she gives. she will continue to that it. it's also about appealing to leaders, in her remarks when those bodies came into andrews
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air force base she said in that speech, responsible people, responsible leaders get control of the situation. so it's really a call to provide personal security and the host countries to take this seriously. >> margaret brennan thanks for being with us. >> the ongoing protests have been linked to an anti-islam film produced in the united states. president obama said the u.s. would quote stand fast against attacks on u.s. embassies around the world. but our next guest says that the situation is far more complex than just anger over the film. he says there are other factors playing into the violence, including forces trying to take advantage of the changing political face of the middle east. and to divide the move towards democracy. joining us is the public policy institute for american university of beirut in lebanon. senior fellow at harvard university and columnist for beirut "daily star" newspaper. great to have you with us. so what is this really about, if
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not about this video? >> the video is the spark that set people's emotions off and took them to the streets and carrying out mostly peaceful demonstrations with some violent ones here or there. there's three or four things happening together. people should not try to find bun explanation for this. you have the movie triggering people's great anger about what's going on, and it's important for americans especially to understand that religion in islamic countries has a much, much bigger role in people's lives than it does in many western democracies. therefore an insult to the prophet is really huge and triggers these reactions. but you also have a small group, militant terrorists and they are the ones who attacked the cult in benghazi and they have been doing their deed for the last 10, 15 years since afghanistan, iraq and now around the world.
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so you got that movement going. you got mainstream islamic groups like muslim brotherhood groups in egypt and other places who are competing for a new place in the political arena that's evolving in these countries that's democraticizing and old pent up grievances against the united states and other western countries. you have three or four things coming together where they are evolving political conditions and people are competing to get public opinions, so these things come together and that's how we should best understand this. >> is this a subset of the arab world or a broad base thing? >> what's interesting you have these demonstrations all over the islamic world, indonesia, nigeria, bangladesh. the movie triggers anger and rage for muslims across the islamic world. in the arab world you have a set
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of political grievances against the u.s. and europe and other places and these are coming into play now. also deep competition going on now within political islam or islamized political groups. the muslim brotherhood is the mainstream group that's engaged in politics and has won elections in tunisia and other places. and then you have another group that's engaged in politics, peaceful politics and small little militant terrorists. so these three groups within the islamic political realm who
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in cairo and around, much of the arab-muslim world. does it come down to the economy still in your view or does this change the scope of things and change the scope of the election to be more foreign affairs centered? >> right now the election is still about the economy. it's a pocketbook election but that's a question we don't know. there are eight weeks until election day.
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if the violence continues it will become more of an issue for voters. but as of now at this moment it's still about the economy. >> why do you see the shift? the economy hasn't changed, you know. we saw the latest job numbers. they are still weak. why suddenly the shift? >> voters have had a summer long to analyze both sides of this. and the obama kpaun has tone a good job trying to make this a choice election. voters are open to the idea of firing president obama but they have not yet warmed to the idea of hiring governor romney. i think coming on the heels of the democratic national convention, there was an array of democrats making this argument including former president bill clinton helped on the economic side. the fundamentals of the economy has noting changed and there's still quite severe for an incumbent president. >> how much does this have to do with strengthening the base and strength coming from registered voters which president obama has an advantage. >> he has an advantage in
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registered voters. but this poll looks at likely voters and it's much closer. it's within the margin of error. there is enthusiasm on both side but higher on the democratic base in terms of supporting president obama. there's still a good share of republicans who say they would rather defeat president obama than elect mitt romney but a vote is a vote. so the romney campaign has many openings here but they know they need to change the dynamic of this race so look for them to give an economic speech, a big thing to shake things up before the first important date on october 1st. >> even before these events in libya, obama had an advantage on foreign policy. this is likely to strengthen? >> it is. there's still so many unanswered questions about what happened in terms of was there an intelligence failure. in this poll only one data was capturing the violence in libya and egypt so that's a question we still don't know. foreign policy has been a strong point for this president.
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four in ten americans say he's stronger on foreign policy. it's an area that mitt romney struggled with this week. we saw his campaign struggle to deal with this. we'll see how he reacts going forward. >> thanks. the federal reserve is start agnew round of stimulus spending, promising to pump multitudes, $85 billion a month into the economy for as long as it takes to improve the job market. it is a controversial move criticized by republicans who claim the fed is helping president obama before the election. joining us now is the fed chairman in the carter and reagan administration and professor at new york university stern school of business. his new book is out," volcker." this move taken this week by the fed unprecedented, untested, will it work?
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>> you say unprecedented, untested. >> it is open ended? >> it is. maybe a little bit more open ended than before. i haven't analyzed it closely. by the nature of this particular economy, and nature of the recovery and the fact that it's all been wound up in over indebtedness and a major financial crisis by its nature this is not going to be a rapid recovery pinpoint has not bean rapid recovery and the federal reserve feels some pressure to pull out all the stops they can pull to keep the movement going and, you know, this is an unorthodox situation as well as unorthodox policy. >> mr. bernanke said he was doing it to fight unemployment which has been high. the romney campaign has blamed the obama administration for the state of the economy. do you think there is more the administration could have done to fight unemployment? >> oh, you know in retrospect
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you can go back why wasn't the stimulus bigger? at the time they thought they couldn't get it any bigger than it was in terms of political and economic situation. >> do you think it should have been bigger? >> in the circumstances, and i was a little bit involved at the time, reasonable course of action. i still believe it was a reasonable course of action. >> in williams book he details multiple speeches that you've written over the years about policies that won't work if they are interpreted as inflationary and you saw in reaction to the fed's measures gold spiked, oil spiked and people are interpreting this inflationary. >> it won't be if affiliationary in the short run but there's a danger that you promote speculative activity of the kind that won't outlast and will be destabilizing. right now we don't have an inflation problem in the country. that will come later. >> you teach in your class that
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mr. volcker was the greatest fed chairman of all time. what grade do you give ben bernanke? >> ben bernanke did a phenomenal job i think in 2008. he did exactly what a fed chairman is supposed to do when confronted by the potential for panic. the fed is the lender of last resort and it's got to throw money so that banks can get through this period of illiquidity. does the stimulus they just started create a rob. i agree we don't have an inflation right now. but the man to my right knows very well how hard it is to pull back when you have to. pulling back when you have to means raising interest rates and when he did it in the 1980s, he did it against the background of the great inflation of the
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1970s. he'll tell you or he told me he did it because he knew he had public support. >> right. >> even though congress would scream and yell he still had public support. >> it is a pleasure speaking with both of you gentlemen. the book by william silver, the man behind the book, paul volcker. thank you. >> thank you very much. pleasure being here. >> it's about 21 after the hour. here's lony quinn with our first check of the weather. >> good morning. i want to take a look at the whole country because really daylight today we've only got two organized systems out there. one of which you see right here. this cold front exiting the northeast. if we can zoom in tight it is fading away as we speak and two, three hours from now nothing for nobody as it pushes into the ocean. second system right here. it's in the mississippi valley. even portions of texas. what you're looking at is an upper level low system given an
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added punch by gulf moisture. so some rain, one to two inches of rain, localized flooding. some of these areas need the rain. places like columbia you need more rain. that's going to be the wettest spot in the country today and then some of it will be very good rain four. quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at your weather for your weekend. okay. over to you guys. thanks. coming up a controversial new movie based on the charismatic
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founder of tom cruise's religion.
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y, becky. he...uncle steve. for life's bleachable moments.
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another royal scandal. first prince harry naked in las vegas. now photos of prince william's wife kate topless have been published by a french magazine and an italian magazine says it's going to publish the pictures. buckingham palace is outraged comparing this to paparazzi's obsession with princess diana. >> the royals are fighting back. we'll tell you what the queen is doing to make sure this doesn't happen again. big headache at buckingham palace. we'll be right back. this is cbs "this morning" saturday. 3
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million more than during the 2008 election. >> i'm anthony mason. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. >> the british royal family said it will sue the magazine that publish ad topless kathryn. the pictures were taken last week while she and prince william were vacationing in france. an italian magazine said they too will publish the pictures. seth dome is traveling with prince william and with kate. >> reporter: this high-profile tour through southeast asia was designed to introduce the duke and duchess of cambridge. with all the photo opes, just a handful of unauthorized snapshots may be the most memorable images of this tour. those pictures of the topless kate sun bathing pool side were published yesterday by the french magazine "closer."
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a caption in french reads the photos that will go around the world. william and kate had been vacations at this sprawling chateau on 640 acres. it's surrounded by lavender fields and woodlands. the couple had every expectation of privacy in this remote house a statement from saint james palace. it added the incident is reminiscent of the worse excesses of the press and pa a a decide during the life of diana. princess diana who was killed in a paris car crash had been hound by media ever since it was clear she married into the royal family. similarly the duchess has been at the center of intense public scrutiny and media focus. the french editor of "closer" magazine defended publishing the pictures saying the royal couple was visible from the street when
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they were photographed and the images in her view show a young, beautiful couple in love. the magazine editor say they have additional more intimate photos they have not and will not publish. a spokesperson tells cbs news that william and kate are angered and feel a red line has been crossed. the couple spent the day in borneo touring rain forests and thinking about the short fallout from these tos. joining us now from london is royal expert and former newspaper editor neal john wallace. good morning. >> good morning. >> first of all the royal family said it will take legal action. do they have a case. can they sue the photographer or magazine? >> in france yes they can. france has some very strict privacy laws. the down side to it is that it frankly will be seen as a badge of honor by the magazine.
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>> what about in italy, neil, where you have this other magazine owned by the same publisher that says it has even more pictures, 26 of them and they will be putting out a spread shortly. >> rebecca, i think that's always is going to happen. same group. what i don't believe is that there are more explicit pictures. i think that's just hype by the magazine. republication will be bad enough. 26 pages they plan? >> yes. >> 26. >> indeed. >> this was clearly an invasion of privacy here with probably an extremely long zoom lens. is this going to help their case? >> yes. i think frankly this is a completely open and shut case in france. but the average level of fines there is about $40,000. >> that's nothing. >> the numbers that they are
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selling and don't forget that these pictures now, because the size of this, are now going worldwide. perhaps if not they wouldn't. there are already, i understand, two websites in the u.s. >> considering the end of princess diana which we know she was being chased by the paparazzi in the middle of the night what is the sense in london about how this -- whether this is appropriate, whether it's acceptable, and just being the past being repeated here. >> there's a strong negative reaction to this in britain, rebecca. it is simply not acceptable. the british press have unanimously agreed not to print these pictures. it has a very unpleasant feel about the very unpleasant era. >> finally, ultimately in france this is just not a big deal. topless sun bathing happens all
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the time. this is a misunderstanding between cultures? >> no. the most ruthless in the world knew exactly what they were doing. >> even more so than the brits? >> yes we're amateurs. it was unfortunate, really, that the royals and particularly those around them didn't really, although they are a long way from road, technology as you zoom shots there show just how easy it is to zoom in and see intimate situations. >> neil john wallace thank you so much for being with us this morning. now here's lonnie quinn with another check of our weather. >> good morning. i want to start off this time with where i believe some of the prettiest weather in the country will be today and it is anywhere along any shore of our great lakes. the temperatures will be in the 60s and 70s. plenty of sunshine, low humidity, madison, chicago,
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buffalo being picture perfect. the satellite radar picture, this area i'm talking about, prime stuff. however you go just to the west of it it looks like that clear air continues all the way out to the rocky mountains. this will prove to be a little bit of a problem for some people. here's what's going on. it will spark some thunderstorms but dry thunderstorms no water just thunder and lightning so a fire danger for idaho, montana, wyoming, south dakota, north dakota, even into portions of minnesota. be careful with an open flame in that portion of the country. that will do it for me. here's a closer look at your weather for the weekend. and for all my friends down in the florida keys a few showers but you'll get your fair
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share of sunshine as pell. up next a controversial movie needs extra security at its premier. a look at besigned the sense why scientologists are upset with "the master." you're watching "this morning saturday". ♪me and you - a little rendezvous.♪ ♪that special something that will carry you through...♪ ♪that little reward for all the things you do.♪ luscious, creamy filling - combined with our slow melting chocolate - the one and only ghirardelli squares chocolate.
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two chili's entrees, like our classic bacon burger or our famous slow-smoked baby back ribs. chili's $20 dinner for two. scientologist. a controversial new movie premieres this weekend," the master" is described as a forbidden look into the founder of scientology. >> making it up as you go along.
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you don't see that? >> it's a movie already garnering oscar buzz but it's "the master" to scientology that has everyone talking including reports that at that church is angry about an unflattering portrayal of the religion. >> i'm a writer, doctor and philosopher. it talks about a writer that thoors book called "the cause" and develops a devoted following. earlier this month the movie's creator addressed the firestorm from scientologists and didn't dispute his movie is based on the founding of the church. >> a character i created on hubbard. a lot of similarities to the
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early days. >> according to the hollywood reporter the film's distributor was forced to high extra security for the premier in new york after the church well-known for harassing its critics was calling, emailing and sending letters to the studio. anderson said the movie is really a character study between god and his wayward disciples played by joaquin phoenix. tom cruise has brought increased scrutiny and appeared in the movie "magnolia." >> showed him the film. >> joining us now is a leading expert on scientology. he's the other of "freedom of mind." good morning. >> good morning. >> you've seen the film. >> you fool me into watching it last night. >> is it about scientology? >> absolutely. a great movie, first of all.
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i didn't expect it to be so dramatically about the early days of hubbard, but it really was. and if anything i kind of feel like they portrayed him in too flattering a light. >> in your view is it an accurate portrayal what scientology is about? >> many of the key beliefs are accurately portrayed. they were showing hypnotic techniques, training techniques. a lot of people don't know hubbard was a stage hypnotist before he wrote his book. i've bean therapist for many years helping people leave cuts like scientology. i myself was in the moonies. it's going raise a lot of awareness. >> watching a movie like this could be a recruiting tool for the church of scientology.
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>> absolutely not. especially in light of all the news about scientology, former top leaders speaking out, especially the internet. my reports are that they are losing followers. >> should scientology be concerned about this film? >> absolutely, in my opinion. what i didn't like about the movie, if people were watching it, to have a window on the cult phenomenon is that the joaquin phoenix character was so messed up. of course the character in the movie couldn't cure him so that was an interesting point. but the problem that i have is that people who get into mind control cuts for the most part are not that messed up. recruiters of cuts don't want people that messed up, they want educated, intelligent people and they use deception to get people in to indoctrinate them, so to have a new identity. >> thanks so much for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you.
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if you have love handles they can be deadly. a new study suggests normal weight people who have excess fat around their stomach have a higher risk of dying than obese people and have a greater risk of dying from heart disease than people with a normal hip to waist ratio. good morning, doctor. thanks for being with us, i think. how is this possible that if you got a normal waist basically you're at a higher risk of dying. >> people who are normal weight but have put on fat around here, that tells us that they are not storing fat normally where it should be. we should be storing fat in fat cells evenly distributed around the body. when you can't do that and it start building up here, it says
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your fat is dysfunctional, it's building up here and it's building up in your liver, muscles and other places you don't want it. >> when i hear you say something you can't do that, i wonder how much is this genetic versus a lifestyle choice. >> you probably have to have some sort of degree he in tick predisposition and then you combine that with lifestyle choices, then you end up in trouble. some people have extreme genetic predisposition that they can't do enough diet, physical activity to get their risk down to quote normal. >> is the risk the same for men and women? >> men tend to have higher risk than women until we get into the later years of life. in the 70s and 80s. early on men always have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. >> what should we be doing if
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we're hearing you right now what do i do? >> if you look in the mirror and it looks like you sexual lodwick a watermelon and you got skinny arms and legs, even though your normal weight that's something to be concerned about. you want to look at your eating habits, your getting enough physical activity. people who spoke, people who drink alcohol to excess may end up more predisposed to this central fat. >> does exercise help it? >> it does. especially if when you are getting older, we tend to lose some muscle mass and exercise can actually hepburn off the fat but you're not accumulating it in places that it shouldn't be. we know people who exercise a lot are protected from cardiovascular disease even if they have the wrong body
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creamy spinach artichoke dip, crispy garlic chicken spring rolls. they're this season's must-have accessory. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. ♪ now it's time for a look behind the headlines and a few stories you might have missed. number one traffic fine paid with 137 origami pigs. each paper porker is folded to look like a pig. then he put it in two dunkin' donuts boxes. the clerk was fit to be tied and then saw the humor. >> love it. absolutely love it. you'll love this one. abby road cover made of
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breakfast food. recreated the famous beatles cover. yukon is made of eggs. ringo bacon. george sausage. and paul mushrooms. he calls his work of hart "let it bean." >> girl hooks p ira nha while fishing at bond. 11-year-old kate lynn went fishing with her grand dad on staten island, new york. she snagged a huge p ira nha. her grandfather thinks somebody bought the flesh either and tossed it in their pond. >> who would do that bit at a pet store. >> who would buy it in the first place. my favorite is the abby road thing. >> i do as well. i knew you would like that. you met all of those guys. >> i'm not that old. >> is it proper depiction? >> it's inspirational.
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>> all right. >> later burgers, fries or apple our ocean spray cran-cherry juice drinks are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie -- 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. been spping smart, ca gettincash bk on what?d
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you' gonnaool off fan at hoooound!cut nit you gottget yo cash back,n new acks. usfreedom onunch with ck. everybody t! evebody get! nit you gottget yo cashget chase eedom..
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welcome back to cbs "this morning saturday." i'm anthony mason. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. coming up which has more calories the big mac or the hot cakes and biscuit? you'll soon be able to find out when mcdonald's unveils their new menu. >> the "titanic" and deeper. we'll talk about saving the historic wreck. >> she helped her husband with his political career and dramatically changed the role of the first lady. we open up the cbs news vault for an interview with former first lady eleanor roosevelt. >> first our top story this
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anti-american demonstrations spreading across the muslim world. this morning riot police and protesters clashed outside of the u.s. consulate in sydney, australia. deadly clashes in opportune. >> and sudan on friday. some were peaceful demonstrations others turned violent. a response team has arrived in yemen. another team is headed for the sudan. elizabeth palmer is in cairo, egypt. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i'm not far from the u.s. embassy here and although the concrete barriers are still up sealing it off there's absolutely no sign of unrest this morning. although as you say over the last four days this rash of violent protests have erupted across the muslim world from turkey and afghanistan and across north africa. in tunisia two people died after a mob stormed the u.s. embassy in the capital tunis, infuriated
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by the u.s. made film that insulted prophet muhammed. tunisian police turned them away with tear gas. armored vehicles arrived to protect the compound. in tripoli, lebanon where there's no embassy, protesters turned on american symbols instead, a kfc franchise was set on fire and one person was killed. in sudan it was the embassy of germany, america's ally that came under attack from a crowd of rough lu 5,000 w-- roughly 5o stormed the building. they are chased away by tear gas and rubber bullets. here in cairo, riot police kept the crowds several blocks away from the embassy and it was a smaller crowd. three days after the first protest erupted and after a phone call from president obama, egypt's president finally took a
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stand to end the violence, referring to the u.s. embassy he said it is required by our religion to protect our guests and their places. security has been beefed up at u.s. embassies deemed vulnerable to both diplomat and security forces are hoping the violence peaked yesterday friday which is the main day for religious gatherings in the muslim world. >> thanks. the taliban is claiming responsibility for this morning's attack on a u.s. and british air base in southern afghanistan that left two u.s. marines dead. several other troops were injured in the assault and the taliban said it was avenging the anti-islamic film that has triggered worldwide protest. britain's prince harry is posted at the base. he was not hurt. >> the man identified as a key figure behind that film was interviewed overnight. nakoula basseley nakoula hid his identity as he went to meet with probation officers near los
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angeles. he appeared voluntarily and was not under arrest. he is an ex-con victory who has been convicted of financial crimes. he could go back to prison if found to have violated the terms of his release. >> a wildfire along one of the busiest highways in los angeles is expected to be fully contained this morning. the 70 acre fire tangled traffic on interstate 405 for hours. it came too close to the getty art museum and homes and the cause the fire has not been determined. >> chicago public schools and its striking unionized teachers have reached what's described as a framework for a solution that could end the nearly week long walkout. the strike is over the rehiring of laid off instructors and how much new teacher value wevaluat should rely. it is about five minutes after the hour. time now for a check of the weather with lony quinn.
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>> you talked about the wildfires in los angeles. i want to talk about the conditions that we're dealing with in southern california because look the heat is on. malibu up 101, los angeles 101. winds 5 miles per hour. not a drop of rain in that area. sat right radar picture for the whole couldn't, southern california bone dry for you. bad situation, i know. organized system around the mississippi valley, that's going to bring quite a bit of rain, one to two inches from missouri and portions offing the. i have to touch upon the hurricane situation. we're dealing with hurricane nadine. it's in the middle of the ocean. not going near land. story with nadine how far we are ahead of schedule. we should be on the seventh named storm. we're on the 14th storm. we only have seven usable more letters. so after that if we get that far we go to the greek alphabet.
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last time we did that was in 2005. here's a closer look at your weather for the weekend. >> this weather segment sponsored by breathe right. it's your right to breathe right. >> rebecca, over to you. look for a big change at mcdonald's next week. they are not add agnew burger but they are unveiling a new menu board that will show the calorie counts of each item. mcdonald's is doing it for a couple of reasons. first of all to get a jump start on the if you ned requirement and to show they offer some healthy options. joining us is a nutritionist and
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registered dietician and author of "sass yourself slim." >> will people change their habits when they see these calorie counts? >> the handful of studies shows it doesn't have the intended effect. there's a few reasons. people need to know how to put those numbers in perspective. if you don't know how many calories you need per day and don't have a realistic idea what you need to burn off a certain number of calories it's hard to put 400 calories into perspective. that's one issue. another thing is when you're in the moment, you know, habit, taste, emotions tend to take over and over power thoughts of nutrition and maybe weight management. but i think the other thing is that nutrition is beyond just calories in and calories out. you need to focus on quality as well as calories. >> why is mcdonald's doing this? for public health or public image? >> i hope it's for public health
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but they will antibiotic head of the game when it comes to this bill and all restaurants, with 20 locations or more will have to do the same. >> there are a couple of others that have gotten on the band wagon. and i read that panera bread saw about 20%, one in five of its customers making different choice on their menu. >> that may lead to a great snowball effect in terms of the nation. if you ate 100 calories fewer a day it could be ten bounds weight loss in a year which could be very significant in terms of public health and risk for heart disease, high blood pressure. it could end up really having a big effect. but people have to look at that information, they have to use that information. so, you know, we see that some studies show about one in seven people will use the information. and so, it's all about kind of saying, okay, is it really worth those extra minutes on the
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treadmill or that extra walk around the block. you have to add physical activity and nutrition in perspective. >> when you see the numbers at least for me and anthony was saying it when you see numbers you give at it second thought. >> hope so. >> thank you. up next he discovered the wreckage of the "titanic." dr. bob ballard will talk how he'll save the ship from looters and treasure hunters. you're watching cbs "this morning saturday". is on
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go to . i know that song. we were saying here, joining us for morning coffee the man who discovered the wreckage of the "titanic," dr. bob ballard and he has a new interest. >> it's the alien deep and a five part series on the national geographic channel. here's a look. >> at a site of ivory towers the team sees a brand new species, squat, blind, hairy looking crustaceans, crabs named for the actor david hasselhoff. how the crabs exist here is a testament to the amazing diversity that life can toss up. >> don't hassle the hoff. great to have you with us. >> i'll try not to. hair on his chest. grows its food on its chest.
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>> sound delicious. >> you don't want to be buried at sea i'll tell you that. >> you found the "titanic" buried at sea. when was the last time you were back? >> we went back in 2004. we wanted to see what it looked like almost 20 years later. we go back periodically to see what's happening with the ship. we're trying to protect it so other generations can appreciate it. >> how drastically has it changed >> a lot of the damage is done by visitors. they are loving it to death. we have no trouble with people visiting but you don't stick your finger in the mona lisa. by turning 100, it places it in a new category in the united nations protection. it's now, once you are older than 100 years you become an ancient ship wreck. then canada will probably able to claim it as they competent their continental shelf. >> does that mean in another 100
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years you think it will still be around? >> yes. >> looting and crazy things have happened since people found the location. >> stop loving it to death. we just found a ship, think about this from the classical period, 500 b.c. that still had human remains on it. >> you actually want to go down and restore it. >> you can. you really can do preservation. people don't realize you can clean and paint a ship one water. they do it with super tankers. you try to do historical preservation which can to be done. >> this is something that people can see you doing. >> exactly. pushing way back into time w t the exploration of the black sea there's no oxygen in the black sea at depths so things are perfectly preserd. i mean we found one shipwreck with its mast up, riggings still on it. it's the deepest -- the deep sea is the largest museum on the f planet. there's more history in the deep
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sea than all of th museums in the world but there's no guard on the door. >> one of your episodes i about a roady. >> turned 70 but when i was 17 i went on my first expedition and perfecsthese rogue waves are what ships disappeared without a trace. i was 17 years old. i was out in the pacific on a ship standing up on the bridge and all of a sudden one of these monsters appear. they are not like a tsunami where you have an earthquake and migrate from the epicenter, these things are freak things that occur in a spot. it's a combination of storm patterns from various directions and if you're in the wrong place at the wrong tro ty just eat you and this one went right rig over -- r& >> you don't go over it? >> he t what's called green water, we were one water and fortunately we popped back up.
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>> why did you pop back up? >> it couldn't flood us fast enough and we were buttoned up. they vanishni. lloyd's of london is increasing the insurance. your whether person was talking about the number of hurricanes. they are getting meaner. turns are gettyng meaner. oceans are getting meaner. insurance companies are raising policies on ships. >> wow. very quickly holy grail, one thing you want to find. >> hard to say. i would love to findhe sea people ship. they are a mythical people that have never been found. >> thanks, bob. don't forget alien deep with b ballard kicks off tomorrow night on the national geographic channel. >> coming up next she's the bar for the modern first lady. >> i did very little cooking.
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i've never done much more than scrambled eggs on sunday night. >> i remember you did that on pearl harbor on sunday night. >> die. >> in the white house. >> i did it in the white house. >> we open up the cbs news vault for a special interview with first lady eleanor roosevelt. you're watching cbs "this morning saturday". ♪i -- i got it ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] get breakfast made the way you say, like your very own egg white & cheese topped with that creamy super food, avocado. want jalapenos? red onions? done and done. on toasty flatbread? you so got it made. ♪ at subway
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my brother doesn't look like a heart attack patient. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and now i don't have that fear. ♪ i am growing every day now, and it... ♪
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[ female announcer ] childhood goes by too fast to slow down for sensitive skin, which is why all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. it's the #1 recommended brand by dermatologists and allergists for sensitive skin. and its active stain lifters help tackle tough dirt and stains. ♪ i won't forget you give us your worst, we'll give it our all. give us your worst, mornings are a special time for the two of you...) and now you can make them even more special... with new fancy feast mornings. mornings are delicious protein rich entrées... with garden veggies and egg. each one perfectly designed... to start her day with a little love. new fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. the best ingredient is love.
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skbroo time now to go inside the cbs news vault for edward r. murrows conversation with first lady eleanor roosevelt. it was conducted in january 1954, nine years after she left the white house. >> she was a trail blazer for women's right and first lady to play an active role in the white house and politics after her husband's death in 1945 she never slowed down traveling extensively, writing and speaking and working for her favorite causes. murrow asked about that tireless
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schedule. >> i know you have hundreds of photographs around your apartment there. could you show us a few? >> yes. >> you could identify them for us. that one you don't need to identify. >> that's an old one of my husband. this one is of churchhill. that one is 1954. that was taken in the white house garden. >> he's wearing his siren suit. >> yes, wearing his siren suit. then this is a photograph that was taken on the porch at hyde park on one of the evenings when they came down to congratulate my husband after the election returns came in. i think it was '36. i'm not certain. >> i'm sure it was '36. i was there. mrs. roosevelt is it true you once said mr. churchill has not changed his mind about anything
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in 60 years. >> didn't put it white that way but i meant that he looked at life much the way he had 60 years ago. >> you do much cooking, mrs. roosevelt? >> no. i do very little cooking. i never have done much more than scrambled eggs on sunday night. >> remember you did that on pearl harbor sunday night. >> i did. nine the white house. >> i did it in the white house. >> of course, you don't require quite as much help in that kitchen as you do in the white house? >> no. this suits the number of people that are now apt to be in this apartment. >> mrs. roosevelt, you just recently are back from a trip around the world and i wanted to ask you if i might who was the most interesting individual you met in the course of that trip? >> oh, i think on the whole my most interesting person was
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president tur president tito. >> why of that in >> in yugoslavia on the way home. >> why do you feel he was the most interesting man, mrs. roosevelt? >> i felt he was a leader and you could feel that he was a leader. and then he presented himself clearly. >> in this long career that you've had, what would you regard as your greatest or most satisfying achievement. >> i had never thought about achievement. i don't know that i would call anything an achievement. i just done whatever came along to do. but the thing i remember giving me greatest pleasure was at the end of the first session in
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london of the united nations, i had gone and i had felt that i had to walk very carefully because i was the first woman on the delegation and a woman must do well or it affects all woman. at the end of a session in which we had a disagreement about the return of people against their will to their countries of origin, both mr. dallas and senator banburg were kind enough to follow me up in saying good-bye to say that they were glad i had been on the delegation and while they had opposed me and begged the president not to appoint me, they had found it good to work with me and i think that affected me more than anything that could have happened. >> that must have been very
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gratifying. mrs. roosevelt, this is a question i want to ask you for a long time. i don't know how to put it so oil put it so bluntly. why do you work so hard? >> what else would i do? i live alone. my children are all busy and have lives of their own. i wouldn't want them to be worrying about mother having nothing to do. and so i might as well work as long as i'm well enough to work. she was a very busy lady. i love that picture. quite modest. what you don't expect a roast kitchen to look like. >> very modern art as she was walking around the home. i find it interesting, this interview with edward r. murrow she did most of her interviews while her husband was in the white house she did interviews with women. she held 350 press conferences. >> ahead of her time. still ahead the rising stars of blue grass.
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you're watching cbs "this morning saturday" saturday.
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♪ ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ meet arthur reid, a 90-year-old man. he's been going to the same pub in england for 72 years. he first started going to the griffin in 1940 when he was only 18. >> every single day at 3:00 p.m. he has a pint of bitters. for his 90th birthday they put a gold plaque on his favorite chair and the owner estimates that reid has downed more than 30,000 pints of brew. >> 30,000. >> go him. welcome back to cbs "this morning saturday." >> maybe he's listening. maybe that's the secret. >> the fountain of oath. >> and the love handles.
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i have to start working on that. i'm anthony mason. >> we want to turn to lony quinn for a last check of the weather. >> if it's not drinking pint of bitters maybe it's eating apple a day. it's international eat an apple day. fall begins one week from today. eating that apple keeps the doctor away and a good source of fiber. here's what i see out there. only organized system that will bring some big time rain in the mid-section of the country around the mississippi valley. places like missouri down through arkansas even into portions of texas. one or two inches of rain, localized flooding. north of this area around the great lakes that i'm telling you is where the best weather in the country will be anywhere that's along the shore of the great lakes will have temperatures in the 60s and 70s, plenty of sunshine and low humidity. enjoy your day. good looking weekend. sunday will be just as pretty. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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hey everybody time now for my shout out and it goes to des moines, iowa where they will have a sunny skies, 80 degrees perfect for what they aare host annual beaver day festival. check it out. thank you everybody for watching cbs "this morning saturday" only on kcti news channel 8. make at it great saturday everybody. anthony over to you. >> all you can eat. >> i know, right. >> awfully good. >> the leaves are about to turn and time to turn in your summer reads for some real fall page turners. here with a look at the season's most highly-anticipated book is
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amazon's editorial director. there's a lot of big names. >> fall is a big season in books, some back to school idea we have. but none of these books are homework. these are great books, fiction and nonfiction. from some big names from thomas wolf. >> j.k. rolling is going the adult category. >> she has a new book coming out called "the casual vacancy." it's for adults. it's heavily embargoed as the harry potter books. i don't know anything about it. staff and all of us at amazon love this book called "sutton."
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the author collaborated on the biography of andre agassi. this is a novel but based very closely on the life of his last days of life after he got out of attica. >> robin hood type guy. >> and handsome and charming and very well read and reporters loved him and so it has overtones of today, who is doing what to whom between banks and regular people. it's a really wonderful novel. and the other novel that i love and is, i think will be sort of a sleeper hit is a book about a very dysfunctional jewish family in the suburbs of chicago, old joke. there's a lot of recognizable
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people. >>. nonfiction you like "mortality." >> "mortality." it's about esophageal cancer. it's not a happy book but surprising undepressing book. and "500 days" is about the 500 days, year and a half after 9/11, 2001 and what went on in the cia and white house and in places in europe and the middle east. it reads like a thriller and obviously a topic we're very interested in. >> finally you have something in the young adult category. >> young adult is almost all, the best young adult crosses over to adult. "hu "hunger games." this book is part of a series and it's called "days of blood
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and starlight." first book was called "shadow and bones." very atmospheric and about a girl finding her power. it's a strong girl character but it also has a strong boy character in it and you don't have to read the first one to read this one. the chapters go fast. it's a cliffhanger every three pages. >> something like "hunger games" which worked very well for that category. >> very much. >> thank you. >> coming up next another top pick this fall some great seafood, celebrity chef ed brown is here and dish about his famous chowder house and his ultimate dish wild salmon with roasted veggie relish. that works just as well as pancakes. you're watching cbs "this morning saturday". just how satig is every spoonful of new light & fit greek? morning donut cookies chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek.
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its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. cupcake! it's not gonna happen. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie -- 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty.
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and every day since, two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year.
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bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years, no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger. ♪ ♪ under the sea i think i prefer this song in a musical in third grade. anyway joining us this morning on the dish is celebrity chef ed brown. he runs ed's chowder house one of new york's top seafood restaurants. >> i'm alarmed because they filled my cocktail here right to the top of the brim. i'm not sure what that suggests. he's the author of a popular
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cookbook object seafood. wild salmon with roasted vegetable relish and herb salad. what have we got here? >> this is a salmon with a root vegetable relish which has bacon in it. everything is better with bacon. spaghetti, which is spaghetti with colorful vegetables that look like spaghetti, great way to have nonvegetable lovers eat vegetables. think of fall. good temperature today. so work out just great. of course always serve with my manhattan. a version of this is in all the places i'm involved. ed's chowder house here in new york we make it with a dessert
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bourbon and in philadelphia where we opened make it with rittenhouse square. >> what's the trick to salmon keeping it at the right mix. keeping it in the right cooking? >> so the most important thing is get the best freshest fish you can find. the second most important thing is don't screw it up when you cook it. don't overcook it. >> how do you not do that? >> in a medium hot pan putting the fish in, getting nice color, flip it over and here's the key. flip it over, turn the heat way down to almost off. and just let it sit there and cook slowly. high heat at the start. get color. flip it over low heat. more againstle you cook the protein more succulent it will be. >> air pressure shored order cook. >> short order cook one of the most important experiences of my
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career. >> why? >> it taught me how to multitasked. i worked in a luncheonette with five waitresses. i tell you it wasn't so much about the food that we were cooking because it was simple but to be able to just hear all those order coming in, make the food and serve it out and serve 100 people by yourself in a very short period of time. >> what's your favorite thing to cook in your home kitchen? >> my favorite thing, i love to cook pasta for my sons. they love pasta. we make pasta with different proteins and vegetables in it. great pasta. >> your the one who designed the home kitchen or did somebody else have a hand in it? >> i had some hand in it. for me the home kitchen is that i that have right pots and pans. i can cook in any kitchen. i need great tools. >> you went to france to train in paris nine did. i graduated from the culinary
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institute of america. i worked in new york, new orleans. then i went to work and live in paris in one of the most famous restaurants. it was a great experience. everybody says oh, you went there to learn how to cook. i didn't learn how to cook in paris. i learned how, to the discipline of working in a super high level professional kitchen which was just an amazing experience. soaked up the culture of france. >> how is it different? >> the dedication and commitment, the professionalism to the craft is amazing. you know, we've come so far now. this is quite a while ago when i was 19 years old. but, you know, at that time it was still new for us here in america. >> if you could share this meal with anyone, who would it be? >> one of the most important thing in my life for my two sons, and i get to have meals with them often and it's fantastic so i would love to
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share this meal with my father who is not with us for to 26 years already. if i had a chance to have a one on one meal with him would be the best thing. >> we would love for your to sign our dish. chef ed, thank you. >> i'll sign it in my typical fashion which is best fishes. >> that's a good one. we'll have to use that one. thank you, chef ed. for more on the dish and chef ed go to [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango. el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it. can boldly satisfy any craving. share an appetizer, then choose two chili's entrees, like our classic bacon burger or our famous slow-smoked baby back ribs. chili's $20 dinner for two. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d, done! hand sanitizer, done! hey, eric! i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. whether it's flu shots or prescriptions, we continue to accept express scripts and medco plans. i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs.
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onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. ♪ we got a new day dawning in our second cup coffee the roys are here one of the fastest rising acts in blue grass. they started playing blue grass
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together at the young age of 11 and 8 and have not looked back since. >> they just released their second album called "new day dawning." they took time out from their national tour to be here this morning. ladies and gentlemen performing their new hit single "still standing," the roys. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> great work, guys. thank you so much. >> thanks for having us.
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>> just yesterday 3:30 you're playing in the pouring rain for mitt romney at a campaign rally. you played for george w. bush on his last day in office as president. how did you get connected to the political set? >> that has to do with our manager and publicist, curt webster. he had been doing some work for the party and asked if we wanted to go meet the president. we did that. then asked if we wanted to perform at andrews air force base. we got to meet mitt and talk to him and us being from massachusetts -- >> you don't look like people from massachusetts. >> we're told that all the time. >> that was an exciting experience. >> it was. >> to get to meet them at the en is even, you know, the best. like the icing on the cake. he was very nice and remembered us the last time we met i'm in nashville. >> thank you so much for being with us. don't go away, the roys will be right back with an encore when
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cbs "this morning saturday" returns. ♪ ♪ [ acoustic guitar: upbeat ] [ dog ] we found it together. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
9:53 am
eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. to help safeguard against the acid erosion. if you think occasional irregulathink twice.ig deal, it may be a sign that your digestive system could be working better. listen to this. with occasional irregularity, things your body doesn't use could be lingering in your system, causing discomfort. but activia has been shown in clinical studies to help with slow intestinal transit when consumed 3 times per day. 7 out of 10 doctors recommend activia. and the great taste is recommended by me! ♪ activia
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i love having music in the studio. >> music in the studio is great. perfect for saturdays. >> it was a real treat. >> the roys are good music. >> yeah. now here's norah o'donnell with a look on what's happening on monday on cbs "this morning." >> good morning on monday we'll follow the ongoing controversy over those topless photos of prince william's wife kate in a french gossip magazine. plus seth dome reports on the royal couple's asian tour taking them to some remote islands in the pacific. we'll see you on monday at 7:00 on cbs "this morning." >> then next week on cbs "this morning saturday," actress enson and author salmon rushid. >> and we present the roys. have a great weekend, everybody. ♪
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♪ ♪
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i'm bill loveless. sunday on "platts energy week," in a special edition, the race for the white house. what really distinguishes barack obama and mitt romney
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